Saturday, November 21, 2009

Art Aqua Miami

I am really excited to announce that I will have work on display at the Narwhal Art Projects booth at this year's Art Aqua in Miami. The fair takes place from Thursday, December 3 to Sunday, December 6. I will be showing some old work and three new drawings (the two most recently posted ones and a currently unfinished piece). This is both my first time showing out of the country and at an art fair. If you live in Miami:

a) You should go check it out
b) How did you find my blog?

PS. If you would like like to pay for me to go to Miami please feel free to send me money.


*Update: I found a cheap flight and hostel and I am now going! Woot!


amanda nedham said...

a) you should go
b) those photos of the drawings were great
c) if you sell out at 'art aqua' will you buy me 'assassins creed'?

IBVPN said...

Good luck for the projects like this buddy, your work is tremendous and worth appreciation... keep it going thanks

dubai vpn account said...

Very very good opportunity for those who are in this field, try to learn and get something from this, Good work keep it up